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Fatalis (Len Morgan). 2003
At any one time the Roman army, consisting of
Legionaries and auxiliaries, must have fielded between 250,000 and
300,000 men. Today the archaeological finds of arms, armour,
weapons and materials consist of less than a fraction of 1%, yet
we get theories and ideas projected from this tiny amount of evidence.
As Dr. Graham Webster used to say, you put up a theory and wait for
another archaeologist or academic to react. If they don't dispute
it your theory stands. What we have is little detail and great
scope for interpretation,
Graham Sumner's new Osprey book 'Roman Military
Clothing (1)' attempts to tackle the problem of tunic colours, but
also includes a number of references to cloaks. Rather than
stating that this colour is right and that colour is wrong we should
identify the evidence as showing that more than one colour was used.
The evidence researched by Sumner might be called the Joseph
syndrome, 'Coats of many colours.'
When we refer to colours, I question if what the
ancients state as a certain colour relates to what we accept as that
colour today. Sumner's research, like that of Nick Fuentes,
covers far to broad a band of time during which we have considerable
evidence of change. If we study the British army from the 16th
Century to today we would be equally confused by the changes.
Sumner suggests that the colour blue is associated
with the navy based on two pieces of evidence, a vexillum and a cloak.
He also refers to Vegetius (Epit IV 37) that the 4th. Century British
sailors died their tunics and sails to match the colour of the sea.
Does this mean light or dark blue or light or dark green? The
Mediterranean and the Atlantic are not the same colour.
He uses the Biblical reference Matthew 27:28 to
suggest that Christ was possibly dressed as a mock centurion in a
red cloak. A number of different Bible versions of this verse
state that "they put on Him a scarlet robe". A good dictionary
will give more than one definition of scarlet, the oldest of which
is a type of light cloth that can be of any colour, not necessarily
red. It comes from saqalat, a Persian word.
Luke 23:11 states that they used a gorgeous robe.
Mark 15:17 and John 19:2 say the robe was purple. All four use
the word robe, not cloak and three of the Gospels mock Christ by saying
"Hail King of the Jews". A robe is the form of clothing more suitable
for a King. This reference has no relevance to military dress.
A point that no one seems to pick up on is one
used by Peter Connolly, years ago in his Roman Army book. If
it was meant to clarify the layout of the legion for readers, why
not for the legion itself. All the shields carry the same legionary
markings, but each cohort is colour coded. Having stood
on a field with about two thousand re-enactors or army personnel I
have to question logically, if everybody was dressed in the same colour
how would a general standing on a hill or to the rear distinguish
through haze, dust or rain, who was what or where in a battle?
The standards would not be all that clear, but a block of colour
would. 500 men in the same colour would identify for the general
and a mounted messenger which cohort to move. Add to this different
neck scarves for each century within that block and you have total
control. Ten different colours would logically solve a lot of
problems and we clearly have the evidence for many colours.
I believe the evidence for white tunics indicates
that they may have been used for religious or parade order.
Samples of white on grave stones seem to prove this as a parade colour.
Grave stones, as Russell Robinson stated, if made by the military,
should be more accurate primary evidence than the secondary evidence
of artists on wall paintings or mosaics. We do need to interpret
what we are looking at. What we see on these monuments is clearly
parade order. Death is the last great parade and one appears
in ones best.
The Roman legions were a professional army armed
and equipped by the state. Therefore the suggestions that individual
men could not afford two different tunics are unlikely. If Greek city
states of an earlier period could issue a coloured cloak to each soldier
then the Roman soldier would surely be issued with more than one tunic.
During a time of war an undyed or natural wool tunic might have
been used as a replacement, but a peace time army, I believe, would
not accept this. Yann Le Bohec quotes centurions applying to wear
white for parade order and this being granted by Septimius Severus
(193 - 211 AD).If this is correct it would be unlikely that officers
would apply to wear the same colour that the other ranks wore all
the time and if legionaries were wearing white all the time they would
hardly be likely to use the same colour for parade order. What
colour did they wear prior to this request?
I do not believe that anything conclusive has
been proven. There is however ample proof for many colours to
be present. If we accept Arrian (129 - 130 AD) with his description
of auxiliaries wearing many different coloured tunics for sports parade
wear then my theory of different colours in the legion and a second
tunic for parade must hold water. What self respecting citizen
soldier would be withheld the right that a Peregrine had?
There is no evidence that we are wrong to wear
blue and the wearing of white would surely be incorrect for field
Len Morgan,
January 2003 |